AB 102 Principles Of Retailing

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The following Course Outcome is assessed in this Assignment:AB102-1: Describe retailing in the 21st century.Review the Unit 2 PowerPoint presentation and address the three Assignment questions.Submit your answers to the questions in a double-spaced paper, no more than 3 pages long in APA format, to the “Unit 2 Assignment” Dropbox.APA requirementsFor additional help with writing or APA, go to the Academic Writer and the Academic Success Center (formerly the Academic Support Center), both located in the Academic Tools area of the course.Directions for Submitting Your ProjectBefore you submit your Project, you should save your work on your computer in a location and with a name that you will remember. Make sure your Project is in a Word document. Then, when you are ready, you may submit it to the “Unit 2 Assignment” Dropbox.Disclaimer: The organization and characters depicted in this exercise are fictional. Any resemblance to real organizations or individuals is purely coincidental.Access the Unit 2 Assignment rubricPurchase the answer to view it
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