American History

  1. There were observable differences between the two, with New England colonies occupied by the new puritan, who was very religious. Religion was held in high esteem in the puritan colonies, and most families in the puritan colonies were very religious and spiritually upright more than other territories (Turner, 2020). It played a significant role in motivating and helping to promote moral values between the puritans in New England. Religion taught the people of New England to be more obedient and to persevere life through its hard times by strongly encouraging them. The church took control over the New England colonies, thus enabling strong family setups. The church authorities, especially the colonies, had arrived in the United States searching for religious freedom, thus leading to the firm foundation of religion in the colonies. Therefore, the colonies could not face any rebellion.

In addition, the New England colonies depended on fishing and small-scale farming for their daily living. Thus they turned on themselves, and therefore there were no conflicts between them and the people like Bacon’s, which promoted their existence in the place; thus, the rebellion was something they could not have faced. On the other hand, the Chesapeake was not as religious as the New England colonies. The family system was not as strong as that of New England and also lacked a solid and developed religion; thus, witchcraft to them was not something that could be thought of. Their purpose for arriving in Europe was to grow the economy in the region, and they focused more on earning gold and silver.

The fact that they focused on economic growth made It easy for them to interact with the lower class since they offered them job opportunities; hence they were welcomed, and no rebellion could arise. The high mortality rate of the Chesapeake colonies also contributed to the colonies focusing more on the economic activities instead since the people were dying, especially the female leaving the males and the children; therefore, their concentration on improving their economy denied them the chance to think of practicing witchcraft.

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  • General Howe was to blame for the failure of Britain to win over the American rebels. He led to the loss by asking Congress to surrender, and the surrendering gave the insurgents ample time to prepare and improve their forces (Halverson,2021). While the Congress had submitted and took time to think of what to do next, the rebels took the opportunity to plan and reorganize them hence winning over Britain. Also, General Howe’s slow misguided decision and plan on the attack of Philadelphia led to the loss of the battle in Saratoga in New York by General Burgoyne.

 The British lost the battle because of the cut of the Burgoyne troops’ supply routes, which led to the fighting troop being overpowered by the continental army. Also, General Howe contributed to the loss of the battle as he did not fulfill his promise to General Burgoyne of sending him the reinforcement troops that he needed desperately. The lack of reinforcements led to the overpowering of the Burgoyne troops as most of his army had been killed and since he did not receive any support led to the loose of the battle.

In the battle of bunker hill, general Howe disappointed Britain when he withdrew from the battle even after winning over Washington and the action of the Long Island and decided to invade new York. Howe is blamed for the withdrawal from the war as it is believed that his withdrawal was a missed opportunity of crushing general George Washington as they retreated from the army.

  • Protestant women and Christianity were significant turning points in society. With the protestant churches giving women more power and authority than the Roman Catholic Church, most women in the society opted for the protestant churches (Daggers,2018). The protestant church introduced the freedom of education for women. It opened schools for them to be engaged in. many women became educated, and most female children enrolled in school. The women’s education meant several changes in society as the women were taught how to read and write.

They were also taught on morals and values of the society to live by. The women’s education incorporated the woman’s changing in different perspectives as they were trained on how to take care of their husbands and children. The whole education mainly comprised identifying their roles in society and the purpose of their life with relation to Christianity. Also, the protestant churches gave women the freedom to have power or authority In the church, leading to equality in society. With the education, the women were able to read and write, leading to them acquiring more positions in the church.

The allowance of holding church positions gave them balanced equality in the church and led to the society embracing change and gender equality. The changes in the protestant church led to the emergence of other women who freely continued to advocate for the rights and equality of women to be allowed, like their male counterparts, to hold positions in society and seek equal job opportunities. This led to the success of the female movements that emerged at the time as they were supported in fighting for women’s rights and freedom.

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  • Slavery in the United States had firmly established itself, especially in the south, with many African Americans being forced to labor by the whites. In 1865, after the union policy was signed, the abolishment of the slavery act to be incorporated in the constitution led to the complete ending of slavery in the United States (Cook, 2017). However, during the civil war, the Union ordered that the enslaved people be hired and used to fight in the war.

 This was the first step to conquering slavery in the southern states. However, after the war, the Union prohibited the return of enslaved people in the south. Slavery had taken deep roots in the south and then the northern states, and blocking their return to the south meant that slavery in the south would be reduced. The Union also demanded confiscating any property owned by the military, including the enslaved people, which the Union forces could seize.

They also took to duty to end slavery by freeing the enslaved people. With the deployment of general Fremont and hunter taking over the southern region, ending slavery in the south of part was more accessible. Hunter completely abolished slavery in the south area. The success of the abolishment was effective as Lincoln proclaimed that if the south continued to rebel, the enslaved people in the south would be made accessible. And at the end of 1865, the United States 13th constitution amendment passed constitution abolishing slavery throughout the United States.


Turner, J. G. (2020). They Knew They Were Pilgrims: Plymouth Colony and the Contest for American Liberty. Yale University Press.

Halverson, S. C. (2021). British Plans to Rescue Convention Army Prisoners in the American Revolution. Early American Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal19(4), 769-814.

Daggers, J. (2018). The British Christian women’s movement: A rehabilitation of Eve. Routledge.

Cook, R. J. (2017). Civil War memories: Contesting the past in the United States since 1865. JHU Press.

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