Ancient Roman Empire and Egypt Roman Empire

Research and analyze how two different empires (Ancient Roman Empire and Egypt Roman Empire) developed in two world culture areas in the premodern world (between the Bronze Age to 1600 CE). These world culture areas include Europe, the Near East (also called the Middle East), India, Africa, the Americas, and Asia.

Your preparation must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. It must include
An APA-formatted title page.
A preliminary thesis for your Final Project. Develop your preliminary thesis statement to establish the central issue or perspective for your project and to give clear direction and purpose for the project. For help, review the Thesis Generator in the Ashford Writing Center.
An outline of at least three main points that will support your thesis statement, according to the Ashford Writing Center Outline Form guidelines.
For each main point, write a topic sentence.
For each main point, list at least one specific example for each of your chosen empires to directly support each topic sentence.
For each example, indicate which source(s) you will use.

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