Applying Marketing Concepts To Chick-fil-a Inc.

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You will be using the following company sources (Chick-fil-a Inc.) to prepare report:The 10-K is an annual report that publicly-traded companies are required to submit to the SEC. It is a less pretty, more detailed version of the Annual Report that is sent to stockholders. The 10-K can be found on the company’s web site. Start by looking for a link for Investors. From there, look for a link for financial reports or SEC filings. Look for a pull-down box that allows you to search for “annual” SEC filings. Choose the most recent 10-K report available.Use the following headings to organize your report.In either Item 1 or Item 7 of the 10-K, you will find information showing how much each product line or segment contributes to sales, also known as revenues, and/or operating profits, also known as operating income. List the company’s operating segments along with how much each segment contributes to sales/profits in percentage terms. Be sure to label the data.If the data you find is in dollars, you will need to convert it to percentages. The 10-K contains lots of data presented in percentage terms. Be careful not to select data showing the percentage increase or decrease from the previous period. The percentages for all segments combined should total 100.Note: Please do not include extraneous information in this section. The inclusion of immaterial information will result in a deduction.Purchase the answer to view itPurchase the answer to view itPurchase the answer to view itPurchase the answer to view itPurchase the answer to view itPurchase the answer to view itPurchase the answer to view it
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