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Attached Files:Programming Assignment 5 (PRG5) – The Change Machine [Scope: Ch 9/10/11/Revisit 4 – Classes]For this project, we will see what it’s like to write a simple windows application program that we can perform easily in our heads. You’ll find that writing programs is similar to explaining things to a 5-year-old. You are to make this program “user friendly”. In other words, make sure valid data has been entered.You are to create a simple change program. The user enters the amount due and the amount tendered. You are to calculate how much change they should receive. You are then to break down the change to $1 bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies such that the user will receive the least amount of coins. For example $0.80 is 3 quarters and a nickel not 8 dimes or 80 pennies.I chose this example because in life it is something you can probably do in your sleep, but when it comes to writing a program to do it, it is not that simple. This is what programming is all about. Being able to break down processes and make everything work together. This is a great project to do a top down design.Deliverables: Using a single document, combine the following into one (see SampleProgramDocument.DOCx document):a) Cover Page with purpose/objective & Main Steps and Functionsa. [Review SampleProgramDocument.docx documents for examples.]b) Program Source CodeSee or review the SampleProgramDocument.DOCx(**********************************************************************)
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