Select a family whose members are experiencing difficulty due to loss, life stressors and/or change. Write a paper that examined the case situation from a family developmental-system perspective. What changes are needed in the family and why? Why are these changes so difficult? What role(s) do family myths, rituals, and rites of passage (or lack thereof) play in the family situation? How are maturational tasks, both fulfilled and unfilled, related to family member problems in coping? How does the family’s life stage, life style and cultural context impact family members’ coping and adaptation, and attempts to move on? What theoretical frameworks guide your approach to this case? How does it guide your approach to the case? Use the helping process to present your case and develop a contract between you and the family on the goals to be met. Include a genogram and ecomap for this family. Discuss the six core social work values and ethical principles of NASW Code of Ethics. Include in your summary how the five content areas of your MSW degree contributes to your knowledge and skills for providing services to this family.
The following criteria will be used in evaluating your written assignments.
1. Adherence to instructions and originality
2. Commitment to social work values and ethics.
3. Completeness, comprehensiveness, detail, clarity and readability.
4. Organization and style.
5. Adequate documentation.
6. Technical requirement (length, typed, APA guidelines (be careful no plagiarism).
7. Integration of course work (reading assignments), self- reflection, and critical
10. No fewer than ten references within the last five years.
these resources will help you
use a family theory and here some recources to help you also i need around 150 word as a summry but do it later after professor see the papers
Session II: January 28, 2015
Review of Generalist Practice and application of the Generalist Intervention Model (GIM) Review of Generalist Practice working at Micro, Mezzo and Macro levels of Practice; motivational interviewing; Discussion of social work values; resolution of ethical dilemmas.
Required Readings: Kirst-Ashman & Hull Chapters 1, 2 & 11 Walsh Chapter 11
Engagement and assessment in generalist practice; culturally competent social work practice; diversity in the United States; barriers to culturally competent social work; integrating cultural competence in the generalist intervention model (GIM); strategies for cultural competence; general intervention principles; gender sensitive social work practice; discussion of field issues.
Kirst-Ashman & Hull Chapters 5, 12 & 13
Session IV: February 11, 2015
Practice skills working with groups; discussion about theory and social work perspective on clinical theory and practice; discussion of field issues.
Required Readings: Kirst-Ashman & Hull Chapter 3 Walsh Chapters 1 & 2
Session V: February 18, 2015
Social work with group topics continued; ethical and professional guidelines for group leaders;
types of groups and stages of development ; group dynamics; group facilitator skills; discussion of field issues
Required Readings: Kirst-Ashman & Hull chapters 3 Walsh Chapters 3 & 4
Students are to select two articles within the last five years that specifically address interventions using groups (non therapeutic).
Session VI: February 25, 2015
Implementation and applications of the (GIM Model) with groups; engage in planning in mezzo practice; complexity of setting objectives in mezzo practice; planning for mezzo practice and working with group discussion of field issues.
: Kirst-Ashman & Hull Chapter 6 Walsh Chapter 6
Students are to select two articles using group work for specific conditions/issues (treatment oriented-therapeutic); discussion of field issues
Session VII: March 3, 2015, Day of Service
March 10, Spring Break!
Session VIII: March 18, 2015
Introduction to social work with families; using the Generalist Intervention Model (GIM) with families strategizing for family intervention; assessing and emphasize family strength; families communication patterns; cultural competency in working with families; macro practice and the integration of policy and practice; discussion of field issues.
Required Readings: Kirst-Ashman & Hull Chapters 9 & 10 Walsh Chapter 5
Session IX: March 25, 2015
Treatment approaches for working with families; structural family theory; structural family interventions social learning family intervention; discussion of field issues.
Required Readings: Walsh chapter 9
Aponte J. H (2009) Structural Family Interventions (pp. 117-127) & Horne M.A.
& Sayger V.T. (2009) Social Learning Family Interventions (pp.129-143) In Kilpatrick C. Allie & Holland P. Thomas .Working with Families: An Integrative Model by Level of Need. 5th edition. Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.
Assignment: Group proposal due 3/25/2015
Session X: April 1, 2015
Treatment approaches for working with families; psychodynamic theories II: object relation theory/ object relations family interventions; solution focused theory; solution focused family interventions; discussion of field issues.
Required Readings: Walsh Chapters 4 & 10
Koob,J.J. (2009) Solution-Focused Family Interventions (pp.147-169) &
Kilpatrick C., Trawick O.E., Object Relations Family Interventions (pp. 224- 245). In Kilpatrick C. Allie & Holland P. Thomas .Working with Families: An Integrative Model by Level of Need. 5th edition Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.
Session XI: April 8, 2015
Treatment approaches for working with families; narrative theory; narrative family interventions; discussion of field
Required Readings: Walsh chapter 12
Williams R. N. (2009) Narrative Family Interventions (pp. 199-223). In
Kilpatrick C. Allie & Holland P. Thomas .Working with Families: An Integrative Model by Level of Need. 5th edition Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.