Compare and contrast their art:Bearden, Lawrence,Basquiat, or Colescott

Please respond to one or more of the following, using on line sites and your text as the basis for your post.

Choose two (2) works by two of the following late 20th century African-American artists, and compare and contrast their art:Bearden, Lawrence,Basquiat, orColescott. Describe 3-4 specific elements that show the multiplicity of the African-American experience. Be original in your comments and explain which artist’s work you would put in your own home and why. Here are two websites to use:
Jacob Lawrence, New York Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) at

RomareBeardenvideo, San Francisco’s Museum of Modern Art at

Choose one (1) example of architecture that best exemplifies the post-modern style. Read over your classmate’s posts and chose some architecture that no one else has selected. Describe two (2) of the features of post-modern style that you find intriguing and refer to our text or a website as part of your post. Look over the text Chapter 40 pp. 1312-1321 and visit this website:

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