Comparing Governments

The United States is a democracy, with power resting in the hands of the people. In this activity you will consider two the other types of government that you just read about in Section 1 and compare them to a democracy. In this comparison, include the five basic concepts of democracy, and consider how each of these concepts makes a democracy different from the other two kinds of government.

Below are the listed goverments and key words:






Direct democracy


Federal government




Parliamentary government

Presidential government

Public Policy

Representative democracy



Unitary government

example of someones answer….NO COPYiNG. THIS IS JUST A REFERENCE.

A democracy is a form of government that is run by the people. A direct democracy allows people to govern themselves and representative democracy uses elected officials to represent the people. Democracy is centered around five concepts; the worth of the individual, belief of equality for all, majority rule with minority rights, need for compromise, and the respect of personal liberty. These concepts greatly differ from an autocracy, which can also be called a dictatorship, because the people rests in the hands of one person. This form of government does not value the worth of the individual, equality for all, or “minority rights.” An autocracy takes away all freedom and choice of its citizens. A republic shares many of the ideals of a representative democracy. It allows the citizens to freely elect officials to represent them. Since it is similar to a democracy, I believe it also has similar concepts. The worth of the individual, equality for all, minority rights, need for compromise, and personal liberty are all part of a republic, but may not be as heavily emphasized.

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