Discuss on the difference between needs, wants and demands.

Discuss on the difference between needs, wants and demands. Give examples of your needs, wants and demands. Discuss whether marketing merely reflects your needs and wants; or marketing shapes your needs and wants?

Assignment Essay Score Rubrics
Total score=15%
Structure (including TAble of contents , chart, table) & references1pt
Application of any 3 of five senses (color, smell, touch, 3-D) & binding1pt

Part I (5 pts/ max 6 pts)
Needs-Maslow hierarchy of needs-3 pts
Wants – 1 pt
Demands 1 pt

Part II (8 pts/max 9 pts)
Marketing shapes (3 examples): 4 pts
Marketing reflects (3 examples): 4 pts

Assignment must be paginated and bind

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