PART 1: You are to write a 3-4 page position paper reflecting your views on what the health care profession’s legal and moral stance should be on one of the topics below and why. The choices are as follows: • AIDS and the health care practice • Abortion • Decisions at the end of life You can choose how to approach your topic, narrow its scope, and advance a particular position, but you must justify each of your decisions and your positions with scholarly evidence. Use course resources, the Internet, and the library to support your position. PLEASE CITE REFERENCE PART 2: Take a position on the statement below. Post your brief (2–3 paragraphs) response to the Discussion Board. You must respond to 2 other students’ posts. The statement is as follows: “Our current acceptance of a right to die, especially for those who are unconscious and need a proxy decision maker, is a rather slippery slope that may, in the future, be used not to protect individual autonomy or privacy but rather to serve as a facade to rid us of individuals whose lives we do not value” You are free to take this discussion in any direction you would like, as it will depend on your position and supporting material.