English Paper


Visit the Drexel Academic Integrity website: http://drexel.edu/provost/policies/academic-integrity/
In your own words, describe what academic integrity means.
In your own words, define plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, and academic misconduct.
How would you classify the following behaviors?
Copying someone’s homework or solutions posted on Course Hero
Copying from an exam
Taking notes, solutions, old exams, or quizzes from a class and posting them as your original work on Course Hero
Visit the Drexel Academic Integrity Resources website:
In your own words, describe the process by which an academic integrity violation is handled.
In your own words, describe the details of academic integrity sanctions (if you can’t find the information on the website, call the office of student conduct
What happens the first time a violation occurs?
What happens if there is more than one violation?
Who gets to see that a violation occurred?
How long does a violation stay on your record?
Can you get kicked out of school?
A student gets the following homework problem he doesn’t know how to solve. Instead of asking the professor, TA or a fellow student, he types the question in Google, finds an answer and writes it down. Is this student plagiarizing? Why or why not?
You and your lab partner split the questions in the lab. You send your lab partner your answers and she does her part and submits the final report. You don’t see the final report before it’s submitted. It turns out that she copied her answers from an old solution to the lab and didn’t properly cite sources. Your name is on the report. Are you guilty of plagiarism?


Academic Integrity

  1. Academic integrity means upholding the values governing academic work
  2. Plagiarism is lifting someone else’s words or ideas, whether in their raw form or paraphrased, without acknowledging the source and author. Cheating refers to the use of dubious methods to try and convince examiners that the student has understood and grasped the required content adequately. Fabrication is the use of untrue data or information. This involves the presentation of made-up data and unproven facts as though they were true. Academic misconduct involves mischievous acts aimed at acquiring high grades dishonestly.
  3. Classifying Behaviors
  4. Plagiarism
  5. Cheating
  6. Plagiarism
  7. Initially, when a violation is noted by the tutor or instructor, he or she gathers all necessary documentation necessary to prove that a violation has occurred. He or she may then consult with other senior faculty members on the validity of the claim of violation. Next, the tutor alerts the student that violation of academic integrity has been noted and that he or she intends to report this misconduct. If the student admits to having the violation, the tutor informs the department head via the online reporting portal and a determination of adequate sanction is done and imposed on the student. If the student does not admit to having violated the code, the case is referred to as the head of the department who makes a final decision as to whether the student is in violation. If necessary, sanctions are imposed on the student as appropriate.
  8. First-time offenders receive sanctions from the academic department. The faculty members or department heads have the discretion to decide which sanction to impose on the student. Moreover, the student may face disciplinary sanctions from the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards. It is important to note that students can appeal decisions as stipulated in the students’ handbook.
  9. At the first time of the offense, the faculty member may decide to fail a student in the exam or require a repeat of the entire course. He or she may also decide to give a lower grade.
  10. If a student is found to be consistently violating the rules, he or she may be suspended for a particular period of time or and expulsion from school.
  11. The faculty head or the head of the department makes a determination as to whether there has been a violation.
  12. The university keeps records of a violation for one year after graduation. However, in case the student was expelled, the information is kept forever.
  13. Yes. This may be due to repeated violations of academic integrity.
  14. This is plagiarism because the student is copying someone else’s work without directly without acknowledging the source or author.
  15. This is plagiarism because you have allowed work done by another student to be submitted. This amounts to the copying of assignments.


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