Higher Order Thinking and Performance Assessment

From the e-Activity, examine the State of Idaho portfolio rubric and at least one (1) other rubric on the Website. Ascertain the key benefits that your school district may experience if your state developed similar portfolio rubrics. If your state has already developed similar portfolio rubrics, compare and contrast them with those highlighted in the e-Activity. Justify your rationale. Imagine that a local school district is proposing the adoption of an electronic portfolio in lieu of its current paper version. As a school administrator, suggest at least three (3) factors that the hypothetical school district should consider when making the transition to the electronic format.

e-Activity Go to the Authentic Assessment Toolbox Website, by clicking here, and review the information on portfolio usage in developing assessments. Also, using the Internet, go to your state board of education Website, and review any assessment guidance related to portfolio assessment. Be prepared to discuss.

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