How Companies use Blogs

DISCUSSION OBJECTIVES: In this activity, we’ll be exploring how companies use blogs and demonstrating the lessons learned about proper citation format in Unit 2.

DISCUSSION REQUIREMENTS: To earn full points for this discussion, adhere to the following requirements by the due date deadlines:

ORIGINAL RESPONSE: Post an original response that answers the following questions:

Research and report about one company that is effectively using a blog to communicate with their employees or with their customers. For instance, the blog may be written by a CEO or by a HR Manager.

Post the name of the company in the discusison’s Subject line.

In your own words, summarize what the company is doing in the blog.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the blog (your analysis).
Incorporate in-text citations and a correctly formatted end reference, including the EXACT URL for your research resources! If you are referencing exact statistical data (numbers, figures, dates, etc.), be sure to surround the information with quotation marks, to indicate a direct quote, given that statistical data cannot be put into our own words. Thus, avoid simply copying/pasting information.

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