organizational-potential assessment processes

Select a topic for your research brief.
Integrate the concepts of career planning and career management with an understanding of those same or similar concepts from a Christian worldview (CO C, F).
Define career concepts (e.g., career, relationship of career to non-work activities, career development, career planning and management) (CO C).
Describe how models of life – using stage views of adult development, and career development enhance our understanding of careers (CO C).
Compare and contrast traditional and contemporary models of career development (CO C).
Explain the process of career management and identify activities individuals and organizations use to actively manage employee careers (CO C).
Identify the roles and responsibilities of the individual, manager, and HRD and career development professional in career management (CO C).
Describe the six career development categories (e.g., employee self-assessment tools, individual counseling or career discussions, internal labor-market information exchanges, organizational-potential assessment processes, job matching systems, and development programs) and identify the various career development activities in each of those categories (CO C).
Discuss the issues in career development (e.g., developing career motivation, career plateau, job enrichment, and nonexempt employee development) and summarize the systematic approach to creating, delivering, and evaluating an effective career development program (CO C).
Explain the concept of life calling, distinguish it from career planning and career development, and illustrate how an employee’s interests, talents, giftedness, and unique calling may be identified and utilized within an organizational setting (CO C).
. You must use, at a minimum, your textbook and three sources from professional and/or peer reviewed journals for a total of four references.
Note that non-professional/non-peer reviewed references will not count toward the reference requirement.

Course Textbook
Werner, J. M., & DeSimone, R. L. (2012). Human resource development (6th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western.

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