Psychology Question

hroughout this course, you have looked at all of the sensory and perceptual systems in the human body. One subject not discussed to a large degree is disorders of the sensory and perceptual systems.

Using the module readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research sensation and perception disorders. Based on your research, do the following:

Imagine you are teaching your peers about the disorders of the sensory and perceptual systems.
Select one sensation or perception disorder (such as sensory processing disorder, anosmia, apperceptive visual agnosia, glaucoma, verbal auditory agnosia, or developmental dyslexia resulting from auditory processing deficit).
Using at least two peer-reviewed journal articles discussing the disorder you have selected, develop a presentation to provide an overview of the disorder. Explain the following points in the presentation:
Sensory system affected by the disorder—including the specific physiological structures that are affected
Perceptual processing affected by the disorder
Analysis of the disorder from both top-down and bottom-up perspectives
The more appropriate approach for viewing this disorder—top-down or bottom-up
Etiology of the disorder
Coping strategies and treatment, if any
Related and/or co-occurring disorders
Psychological impact of the disorder (outside of the perceptual deficit)
Be sure to include the following in your presentation:
A title slide
A slide with references
Detailed speaker notes to accompany each slide to further discuss the topics
Develop an 8–10-slide presentation in PowerPoint format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A1.ppt.

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