Approved Public Heath Figures:
Epidemiology, vaccines and disease:
John Snow – Father of Epidemiology
Ignaz Semmelweis – Went insane trying to prove sanitation through hand washing.
Robert Koch – Father of Bacteriology
Dr. Margaret Chan – Current Director-General of WHO
Lee Jong Wook – Former Director-General of WHO
Dr. Mirta Roses Periago – Director of Pan-American Health Foundation
Roberto Morales Ojeda – Minister of Health – Cuba
Louis Pasteur – Pasteurization and some vaccines
Edward Jenner – Smallpox vaccine
Dr. Jonas Salk – Polio vaccine
Alexander Fleming – Penicillin
Charles R Drew – Blood transfusions
chose a public health pioneer above to write about for the Final Project. For this
Assignment, please provide an overview of what you will discuss in the Final Project paper. This
is the first step to writing your final paper. Please include the following:
1. How this individual positively impacted the advancement of public health.
2. Briefly describe some of the main points that you will develop in your Final
Project paper, including:
a. The cause he/she pursued in an effort to advance public health (a
particular disease, public health policy, social/behavioral change, etc.).
b. Some of the steps and methods this person took to advance public health
(develop a vaccine; develop a sanitation system; complete experiments to
prove public health theories, etc.), including experiments, policy, laws,
etc. that were completed or passed.
c. The overall impact this person had in the field of public health.
d. A list of some obstacles, barriers or ethical dilemmas that was overcome
in the process.
3. A list of at least three peer-reviewed journal articles that you plan to use in
your paper. Please see the course Welcome Announcement or contact
your Professor for more information on peer-reviewed sources.