Short Paper – Reflection

Short Paper – Reflection

Submit a 3 page document (double-spaced) that provides a personal reflection on what you have learned during this module on leadership. It is a good idea to keep a journal throughout the course to help you reflect on what you are learning, so that the paper you provide synthesizes the pivotal experiences and learning. As you reflect, also look ahead to your plans for where you want to focus as you continue to develop your skills in the DNP essentials related to Organizational behavior.  It is ok to include references, but the focus should be on your own personal experience and what you are learning.

Here are some questions to consider:

  1. What have you experienced with your studies and assignments?
  • Not what you did, not the action steps, but what it was like for you?
  1. What have you learned relating to the DNP Essential linked to this course or other Essentials?
  • Aha’s, Insights? Too soon to tell? Not sure? Questions or puzzles that are emerging for you?
  1. What’s next as you develop your skills and apply what you have learned?
  • Where will you go from here?
  1. Suggestions for the faculty
  • What worked well? How can the learning experience be improved?
  1. Make sure you address your experience with the self-assessment tools for Leadership.







Deckard, G. J. (2011a). Contemporary leadership theories. In N. Borkowski (Ed.), Organizational behavior in health care. Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Deckard, G. J. (2011b). Contingency theories of leadership. In N. Borkowski (Ed.), Organizaqtional behavior in health care. Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Deckard, G. J. (2011c). Trait and behavioral theories of leadership. In N. Borkowski (Ed.), Organizational behavior in health care. Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Roussel, L. (2009a). Concepts and theories guiding professional practice. In L. Roussel (Ed.), Management and leadership for nuring administration. Boston, MA: Jones and Barlett Publishers.

Roussel, L. (2009b). Trends shaping nursing leadership:  Implications for educaiton and practice. In L. Roussel (Ed.), Management and leadership for nuring administration. Boston, MA: Jones and Barlett Publishers.


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