Sports Paper


Now that you have finished the reading assignment for Unit 2, you should have a good fundamental understanding of the recruitment and selection processes.

For this assignment, you will take on the role of a human resource professional.

Your assignment is to select a job position in sports or recreation management and develop a script for interviewing candidates for that job. You should include the position title, a brief one-to-two paragraph description of the position, and the questions (EIGHT MINIMUM) thatyou would ask potential candidates who might be interviewing for that position. After each question, indicate what you would hope to find out about a potential candidate by asking that question. Be sure that all questions are both proper for the specific job and legally acceptable for the situation.

Position Title:

Description of the position (one-to-two paragraphs):

Interview questions:

(Possible Responses)
(Possible Responses)


(Possible Responses)


(Possible Responses)


(Possible Responses)


(Possible Responses)


(Possible Responses)


(Possible Responses)

Your assignment should be formatted following APA standard guidelines (double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman), plus a title page and a references page. An example title page may be found under the Resources link in the Welcome to the Course module of this course.

Your course textbook for this unit is:

Arnold, M., Glover, R., & Beeler, C. (2012). Human resource management in recreation, sport, and leisure services. (1st ed.). State College, PA: Venture Publishing, Inc.

For this unit, please read:

  • Chapter 4: Planning and Organizing for Human Resources
  • Chapter 5: Recruitment
  • Chapter 6: Employee Selection

Supplemental material:


Interview Script: Public Relations Manager

The sports industry has become an area of extreme public interest and observation all over the world in the recent past. The redirection of focus and pop culture into the sports sector has necessitated targeted and clear public relations procedures that create suitable and sustainable brands for the athletes and the clubs that they belong to. The sector has thus gained massive infrastructural and financial investment owing to the rising public interest in sportsmen or women, their brands and merchandise or ideas aligned to them. The PR component of sports is a continuous process that is handled on a daily process in accordance to the long-term brand aspirations developed, that are bound to reflect positively (Arnold, Glover and Beeler, 2012). The designed image is adjusted based on contextual and market factors and that is why it requires evolutionary flexibility and creativity.


Primarily, this position is about the systematic development of a positive and engaging media and content in order to define the public perception of athletes, their brands and clubs in a manner that increases likeability and awareness (Arnold, Glover and Beeler, 2012). This position will focus on the brand and PR development of specific athlete clients from a wide range of clubs. It requires a personalized approach to every individual with an accurate representation and understanding of different club identities and brand preferences. Some of the technical responsibilities include writing media reports, press releases, creating adverts or campaigns, organizing interviews and synchronizing their content on all forms of media including television, radio, public displays and internet or social media platforms. This position requires excellent communication skills both verbally and non-verbally, creativity, organization, detail focus and quick decision making (Watt, 2003). The educational requirements include a specialized master’s degree in areas such as communication, journalism, pr, advertising, sports management or business administration in business management. It is important for this position that the manager has functional knowledge in financial management and marketing as these departments are highly cross-sectional and interdependent.

The team and company are keen on maintaining a level of humanization for the individual athletes especially during branding and public appearances (Watt, 2003). It is important that this manager can attain intricate balance between the technical PR obligations and emphasize the humanity aspect of these individuals even in their branding techniques. At the same time, the manager has responsibilities over the entire PR team and their collective contribution toa common departmental goal (Theaker, 2012). The manager will thus synchronize all the ideas of the creative directors and ensure that they are properly executed by designers and writers who create content. Even though the manager is mainly an administrative figure who coordinates the separate aspects of the team, they are actively involved in almost all processes and must demonstrate capability and knowledge in all the different parts of the process (Theaker, 2012). Most importantly, any designed campaigns and content should be matched with the allocated budget by the company and the client represented.

Question 1: What does Public Relations mean to you in the sports industry context?

This question will enable the recruiting team to inquire on a personalized inclination to the career of PR and its combination with sports. It requires s seamless blend and elaboration of their perspective on how the two units have merged into a system of interdependence and support. The interviewee would need to emphasize the athlete, club or sport brand as the primary idea and area of focus and the way in which it translates to other processes of marketing and developing brand products. This is an open ended question that is unguided by specific responses and relies more on the ability of the individual to inspire an understanding of their own meaning of the topic based on their experience and attitude.

Question 2: Why do you love to work in PR?

This personal question builds on the first inquiry to gain an even deeper understanding of the individual in the context of PR that they outlined in their own statements. It should reflect a seamless and true congruence between their understanding of PR, sports management and their own perceived roles and contributory abilities to both areas.

Question 3: Your ideal work environment and your performance on a team?

The individual should demonstrate an ability to work both as part of the team and as a team leader. However, of great importance is their system as a team member as this is reflective of their future strategies as a manager in charge of a team. Their level of empathy and thoroughness are key indicators of the ability to inspire, lead but be an administrative manager. The attitudes that should be reflected as a team player and leader are mainly an openness for different ranges of creativity and an even bigger ability to choose or combine ideas to show and tell a single or harmonious message that is true to the long-term brand goals (Theaker, 2012).

Question 4: How would you differentiate between public relations, advertising and marketing?

While all three terms are geared towards building awareness and generating sales for brands, they are fundamentally different. Marketing is the main method of promoting and building public knowledge while PR and advertising fall under marketing as tools or methods of marketing execution and support (Theaker, 2012). Marketing thus handles the most foundational aspects of research to outline target markets and the most effective methods of reaching these markets. Advertising is the consequent process that seeks to convince the target market on the suitability of their product to their needs. PR then regulates a positive image and perception of the company and ensures that the marketing or advertising is not distasteful or offensive to the very target audience or others (Theaker, 2012). The interviewee should be able to outline these differences and represent a sense of understanding on how the three components work in unity.

Question 5: Describe a social media campaign you have worked on?

It is imperative that the interviewee gives a positive response on this question and one that shows direct involvement in social media marketing and PR. The response must articulate the design, execution and modification process as well as the qualitative and quantitative results if possible.

Question 6: What is the direction of the Public Relations industry in your opinion?

This question will evaluate the interviewees’ learning enthusiasm and awareness of the evolution of the process of PR. Eventually, the PR sector is beginning to transform into an independent component that is gaining more separation from marketing and advertising. Mentions of or signs of growing interest in augmented reality and interesting areas such as hologram advertising will be added advantages that will show a genuine interest for the forthcoming trends in both advertising and PR (Arnold, Glover and Beeler, 2012).

Question 7: How do you handle diversity at work and how do you persuade others as a manager?

It is important for the individual to appreciate the creative process that people from different backgrounds and areas of thought will have. It is also important for an acknowledgement of the athletes’ preferences and basic principles that they would like to be identified with. The individual must then outline technical procedures of evaluating procedures and evaluating their outcome during present and future planning. This must include figures and quantitative methods of analysis and patterns and their immediate consequence on brand and financial implication (Arnold, Glover and Beeler, 2012).

Question 8: Why should we hire you?

The response must include a genuine inclination to service, to learning and to diversifying their skills not only in PR, but in marketing, advertising, technology development and sports management. Developing good relationships with the athlete’ clients and drawing in an even more diverse client listing owing to proven results of the company should be a top priority.


Prospective employees to this position need to be able to develop a good rapport with the panel communicate effectively and demonstrate an exquisite ability of handling the questions on .engaging. The non-verbal communication will be observed as an additional focus area to evaluate their communication ability holistically.


Arnold, M., Glover, R. and Beeler,C (2012). Human resource management in recreation, sport, and leisure services. (1st ed.). State College, PA: Venture Publishing, Inc.

Theaker, A. (2012). The Public Relations Handbook. New York: Routledge.

Watt, D. (2003). Sports Management and Administration. New York: Routledge.

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