This white paper will be a review of the U.S. national security strategy and defense policy that proposes a way forward for the nation (i.e., a new national security strategy and defense policy) in an era of fiscal austerity and persistent conflict. Required length is 12-15-pages double-spaced, 12-point text (i.e., excluding the title page, executive summary, appendices, and bibliography).
1. Turabian Bibliography format must be used throughout; thus, all footnotes must adhere to the appropriate format: Note: footnotes are required; therefore, end notes are not acceptable.
2.Title Page: The title page must include the title (i.e., A U.S. National Security White Paper), name, course name and number, and professor’s name.
3.Executive Summary: This is a one-page synopsis of your paper. A policy maker should know your analysis, argument, and proposals from your executive summary.
4.Introduction: This section shall provide an overview of the topic that you are writing about, a concise synopsis of the issues, a problem statement, and your thesis. This section should be 2 – 3 pages.
5.Overview of extant strategy and policy: This section provides the reader with a synopsis of current strategy and policy. This section should be 1 page.
6.Overview of contemporary analysis: This section provides the reader with your assessment of others’ analysis of the problem. This section should be 3 – 4 pages.
7.Findings and Analysis: This section provides the results of your research and the analytical arguments that will make as a result of your findings. In a quantitative project, this section would provide the results of the data collection and an analysis of what it illustrates in empirical terms. In a qualitative paper, it will produce the findings that you have made from an empirical analysis of your variables. This section should also provide the evidence, presented logically, that provides a persuasive argument for your thesis. This section should be 5 – 6 pages.
8.Conclusions: This section will contain the concluding analytical arguments based on your research. It should provide a synopsis of the problem and your proposed national security strategy and defense policy (i.e., your proposed way forward that you want policy makers to adopt). This section should be 3 – 4 pages.
9.Bibliography: This section will be formatted in Turabian Bibliography style. For the appropriate format for each entry, see:
10.Appendices: This section will contain all appendices, as appropriate, and formatted in Turabian Bibliography style.