Answer the test questions thoroughly, substantively and in narrative format (in paragraphs and complete
sentences; lists, sentence fragments and bulletted items are not permitted). Base each answer on an
assigned reading from the weekly course Lessons. Answers may range from 100 to 300 words with some
requiring more detail and longer lengths and some requiring less. Quoting is not permitted. All answers
must be paraphrased (which means restating what you read in your own words).
Question 1 of 12
20.0 Points
Describe what the field of social psychology focuses on and seeks to understand through research and
the related questions that it endeavors to answer.
Question 2 of 12 20.0 Points
Compare and contrast the social psychology constructs of social perception and self-perception. Include
in your answer the key concepts of at least two theories from our readings related to each construct.
Question 3 of 12
Describe factors which contribute to a strong attitude-behavior relationship.
20.0 Points
Question 4 of 12
20.0 Points
Explain the differences in thoughtful and spontaneous processing and the benefits of targeting messages
toward each type.
Question 5 of 12
Describe three methods of preventing persuasion.
20.0 Points
Question 6 of 12
Differentiate the forming, norming, storming and adjourning stages of group development.
20.0 Points
Question 7 of 12 20.0 Points
What are the dangers of groupthink?
20.0 Points
Question 8 of 12
A fellow online student and friend asks you to take a course exam for her by logging in with her user id
and password. You, of course, say no because such cheating would place you at high risk of receiving
academic disciplinary action, including expulsion. Your friend then changes her request to asking if you
will help her study for the exam, to which you say yes. Which compliance gaining technique is what
transpires between the two of you an example of and why does it work?
Question 9 of 12
Describe three factors which influence interpersonal attraction.
20.0 Points
20.0 Points
Question 10 of 12
What hypothesized cause of aggression did Albert Bandura’s famous Bobo doll experiment investigate
and how?
20.0 Points
Question 11 of 12
Describe an event and the public’s reaction to it that exemplifies the negative mood state reduction
explanation for why people engage in prosocial behavior.
20.0 Points
Question 12 of 12
How does the military battle commitment to “leave no man behind” exemplify the vested interest model of