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Description of the Client and the Problem – be sure this is clear and that the goal for each theory clearly relates to the client’s problem. Be sure the problem description is comprehensive enough for each theory, since you may be focusing on different aspects of the client’s problem with each theory. In this example, the theories that the writer used are CBT and Ego Psychology. Only CBT is shown in the Goal, Objectives, Interventions, and Justification section, but the problem description is broad and includes information that relates to both a CBT and Ego Psychology perspective:
Client: Bethany is a 17-year-old, Caucasian female currently completing her senior year of high school. She is the eldest of two children in her family and does not have a particularly positive relationship with either of her biological parents or her stepfather, Bradley. Bethany does, however, have a close bond with her younger sister. Bethany has expressed that she wants to improve upon the relationships she has with her mother and Bradley. She is also considering options for her future plans after graduation in the spring.
Problem Statement: Bethany recently came into the agency after being discharged from an inpatient rehabilitation center. She entered treatment because of her repeated attempts to commit suicide and her history of alcohol and prescription narcotic abuse. During the time of her hospitalization, Bethany presented with a range of depressive symptoms, but she was compliant with treatment. Upon her discharge from the facility, Bethany was provided a referral to the agency for outpatient treatment and to seek medication management for her depression. Her depression has been an unresolved problem, dating back to approximately six years ago when her parents made the decision to divorce. Bethany noted previously that when her mother married her stepfather, she felt like the relationship that she had with her mother began to deteriorate. Bethany never really had a positive, supportive relationship with her biological father because he was always high on Percocet and never seemed to take an interest in her life. Overall, Bethany feels mistrustful of others because she feels that they will leave her, and has developed defense mechanisms to deal this these feelings. She has consistently demonstrated unstable relationships throughout her life, which is especially evident in her relationships with men. Over the past few years, Bethany has tried to date several men, with unsuccessful results. This typically contributes to her feelings of abandonment, but Bethany expresses a desire to find someone that loves her the way she is.
Currently, Bethany reports that her depression occurs every day, but it has improved in severity since she was discharged from hospitalization and moved back to Maryland with her mother. Bethany typically resorts to patterns of increased sleeping and decreased eating behaviors when she begins feeling depressed. The depression has caused her to fight a long-standing battle with substance abuse over the past few years. Both she and her mother are concerned about her chances of relapsing and ending up back in rehabilitation. Bethany is now seeking help for her depression so that this does not occur.
Theory 1 (name of theory)
Treatment Goals, Objectives, Interventions, and Justification
Please use the table format for this section. The following is an example goal, objectives, interventions, and justification (applying CBT).
Treatment Goal
Bethany will increase her coping skills related to her depressive symptoms.
Objectives – must be measurable
1. Bethany will identify 3 situations or triggers that currently cause her to experience sadness.
2 Bethany will identify at least 2 consequences that occur as a result of her depression.
3. Bethany will identify at least 1 new method to cope with her depression.
Interventions – must be detailed and theory specific
1. With cognitive restructuring, the therapist will lead Bethany through the process of self-assessment. Thought logs will be used to record events that occur prior to Bethany’s depressive symptoms. The therapist will also help Bethany to analyze and interpret these recordings.
2. Therapist will use the “ABC” model with Bethany to assist her in identifying the consequences that typically evolve from her sadness. ABC work sheet will be used with Bethany to address her resulting behaviors after feeling depressed. Therapist will help her walk through it and create new ways to handle these emotions.
3. Through the use of cognitive coping, the therapist will assist in teaching Bethany new and more productive ways to deal with her depression. Therapist will rehearse these techniques with Bethany so that she may eventually use them on her own.
Projected Date of Completion
By week 2 of treatment
By week 4 of treatment
By week 6 of treatment
Justification: – this section should include the client’s strengths and risks determined from the client assessment. Discuss specifically how the strengths will be used in treatment relative to the theory you are applying, and how the risks will be addressed in treatment relative to the theory you are applying. This section also contains your rationale for choosing the intervention strategies, goals, and objectives to address the client’s problem using the specific theory.
The goal to help Bethany increase her coping related to her depressive symptoms comes from the qualitative assessment and Beck depression scale implemented during the quantitative assessment. Bethany has indicated to the therapist that her feelings of depression interfere with her functioning at school, home, and in her social life. By identifying and learning how to cope with her symptoms, Bethany can become more functional which can in turn begin to reduce her depression. Through assessment, it is clear that Bethany’s cognitive functioning could use some improvement, but for the most part she has great potential for improvement with cognitive behavioral therapy. Bethany’s high level of cognitive functioning will increase her chances of being productive in treatment, as well as being able to successfully restructure her thoughts.
Bethany has several strengths that can be used in her treatment. At this point in time, Bethany demonstrates a great deal of willingness to change her past behaviors, which is evidenced by her self-report and compliance with scheduled appointments with the therapist. She expresses a high interest in furthering her education after high school and has set future goals for herself. Bethany’s ultimate goal right now is to remain drug free and limit her alcohol consumption, since these were previously problematic behaviors. Bethany is also extremely bright. This is demonstrated by her ability to perform well on her SATs and her grades in school. The fact that Bethany has set goals and is so eager to change will promote success in treatment. Bethany may also be more likely to do well with identifying ways that she can alter her negative thought patterns.
In addition, Bethany recognizes that her father’s actions over the years have contributed a great deal to her depression. Bethany has now come to the conclusion that in order for her to overcome her sadness, she needs to understand that she cannot change her father’s behaviors. In addition, Bethany realizes that her depression has been a serious and detrimental problem for her and reports that she wishes that she did not have to take medication for it any longer.
There are also several risks uncovered in the assessment of Bethany. Over the years, Bethany has exhibited a low sense of self-esteem. When her mother began dating her stepfather, Bethany reports that she “began to feel insignificant”. She felt like she was disregarded and after moving in with her father, Bethany grew to feel even more worthless. Bethany believes that no one cares for her or will ever want her, since no one stays in her life. These distorted feelings contribute to Bethany’s depressive symptoms and could present as a challenge in treatment because she may feel that the therapist will also abandon her. This could potentially hinder the therapeutic relationship and make Bethany feel like she is unable to trust the therapist.
During the assessment, Bethany reported that she experiences feelings of depression every day, but that the feelings wax and wane throughout the day. Depending upon where she is and what she happens to be doing, Bethany might feel more or less depressed. If Bethany is in school, with her friends, or abusing drugs and alcohol, she feels less depressed than she does when she is in the house or arguing with her mother. Since Bethany frequently feels depressed, this needs to be taken into consideration when planning for treatment and intervention. In treatment, it is important that the therapist focus on reducing the intensity and frequency of Bethany’s depressive symptoms. These interventions should be initiated immediately with Bethany and built upon during every session. Through the “ABC” model in cognitive behavioral therapy, the therapist will be able to assist Bethany in identifying the activating events of her depressive feelings, the beliefs and thoughts she has, as well as the emotion or action that occurs as a result of these preceding patterns.
The CBT interventions that the therapist will use with Bethany will help her identify and come to terms with her current coping methods regarding her sadness and depression. These interventions will be useful for helping Bethany to learn innovative and healthy ways that she can relieve her depressive symptoms. The thought logs that Bethany will use to record events that occur prior to becoming depressed will assist her and the therapist in pinpointing what exactly causes it. Treatment goal #1 is suitable for clinical work with Bethany, since she rated her depression at a level 7, on a scale of 0-10 (with 0 being least depressed and 10 being most depressed) and these symptoms are something that we want to reduce in Bethany.
Theory 2 (name of theory used)
Treatment Goals, Objectives, Interventions, and Justification
Treatment Goal
Projected Date of Completion
Justification –The rationale for using the intervention strategies must be theory specific. Your discussion of the strengths and risksmay be different for theory 2 based on the theoretical perspective.
In this section, discuss why each perspective fits the needs of your client, given his or her presenting problem, age, ability, sense of self, etc. Also, discuss how each perspective “fits” with your personal and professional self.
Do ONE summary section to address the entire paper.
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