In this Project, you will develop an appealing and informative handout for parents offering developmentally appropriate tips for dealing with health and safety issues in children from birth to age eight. Each of the possible topics includes an ethical component that you will address in your handout.
This handout will target parent education on developmentally appropriate expectations for the age group you have chosen and give specific health and safety tips including environmental considerations. In addition you will write a short description of ethical considerations that may arise when discussing this topic with parents.
You will begin with an introductory paragraph on why the topic you selected addresses developmentally appropriate expectations for the age group you have chosen. Next, you will give specific health and safety tips for parents based on your topic. You will conclude with a discussion of how your approach to this topic aligns with NAEYC guidelines and how an early childhood care professional can address the ethical obligations to children and their families on the chosen topic.
This handout will focus on one area with ethical implications of many key issues in infant, toddler, or early childhood growth and development. You may choose from the following list of topics with ethical considerations:
Discipline/guidance strategies
Breast feeding/formula use
Need for child safety in with growing child independence
can address indoor and/or outdoor environment
Child choice in food versus family choice
Sibling rivalry issues
Including pets in the family
Childhood obesity
Automobile safety
Babysitter rules, Nanny cams, privacy
Discipline versus punishment
Selecting child care
Community programs, Shelters and other support services
English Language Learners/ Multicultural Offerings
Responsive parenting
Parenting skills
Working with children and families while maintaining confidentiality
Advocacy for the health and safety of children
The NAEYC web resources in the reading this week should help you to ensure that your contributions and ideas are developmentally appropriate and inform ethical considerations. Be sure to include references at the bottom of your brochure.
Your responses should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.). Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful. Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics. Use the APA style for all citations. There should be no evidence of plagiarism. More details can be found in the GEL-1.1 Universal Writing Rubric.
Project Guidelines:
Use the template provided in Unit 9 Template.doc in Doc Sharing. Your handout must:
Be written in Standard American English
APA style for references
Double-spaced using 12-point font