Is this resource helpful to parents, teachers and/or children? Explain your answer.
Did you get enough information from the descriptive paragraph to understand what services they offer? Use examples from their description to support your statements.
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1. 1736 Family Crisis Center
2. 2116 Arlington Avenue, Suite 200 Los Angeles, CA 90018
3. (323) 737-3900
4. This program helps people who are victims of domestic violence, runaway and homeless youth, homeless families, homeless or at-risk Veterans, unemployed youth and adults, and low-income community members. 1736 Family Crisis Center offers licensed therapists, attorneys, and experienced staff that help their victims overcome the problems they are facing. People who attend this program are not left alone, there is professional people who are eligible to help them succeed in life. Another excellent factor that this program offers are their 24 hour hotlines. They are always accessible and willing to help youths, families, and veterans through their five suicide hotlines and four community service centers. These four community centers are located in the cities of Torrance, Wilmington, and two in Los Angeles. This center is accessible to everyone; children, women, and men who need help.
5. This agency is helpful to parents, teachers, and the child because if they know anyone who is a victim of domestic violence, neglect, runaway, homeless, etc. they will at least know a resource they can go to and ask for help. This program is able to help anyone who is having problems in their life including the child. They will take anyone who comes into their center seeking for help regardless of their age. Teachers should be aware of at least one resource near him/her where they can go to if a student is facing child abuse or neglect. As well as parents, if they hear or see anything odd with the people that surrounds them, whether it may be their co-workers, family members, neighbors, etc. they may call the center to receive additional information of the services they offer and share that information with who the parents may think needs the help.