Stage 1: Selection
How do you think your character perceives the scenario? What were the verbal/non-verbal cues that justify your answer? Remember, in the selection phase it is usually the loud or out of the ordinary items that get selected first. As you work through this process, notice what is catching the attention of your character. What is not catching the attention of your character? What type of mood is your character in?
Stage 2: Organization
Now that you have perceived the scenario, you must organize the information of his/her surroundings. Take a look at each of the other characters in the scenario. Based on their looks alone, classify each of the characters. For instance, you might look at a woman in a business suit as being a successful person, or if you see a person driving in a limousine, you would think that they were rich. Assess the other characters based on what you see in the scenario.
Stage 3: Interpretation
Now that you have described your character and done a brief assessment of each of the other characters in the scenario, examine the non-verbal cues that the other members are giving through the video. Based on their tone, communication, and non-verbal cues write a brief description of your perception of each team member.
Step 4: Negotiation
Read through the perception process of the other characters. Did your classmate perceive their character the same way that you perceived their character? Did your classmate perceive your character the same way that you did? What were some of your similarities and differences in perception?