Thanks for developing the marketing mix report, your report provided The Executive Team with a clear direction to help promote the Fitness Only target audience.
A radio and television promotional program was implemented three months ago and as a result, TRl Fitness has seen growth in most membership levels — you can see the results of this growth in the Membership Growth Report.
While our initial marketing mix was targeted at Fitness Only members, the flow on growth in Elite and Gold memberships has been fantastic. Unfortunately the results for our Platinum membership haven’t followed the trend and we would like this addressed. The Executive Team have allocated a budget of $4,000 specifically for Platinum promotion.
Victor Sleiman has requested you review the marketing mix report you created previously (you’ll find attached below) and use the TRl Fitness Email Template to send him an email which:
1. Provides The Executive Team with at least one environmental factor that impacts the Platinum member.
2. Explains why the marketing mix may not have met preferences of the Platinum member.
3. Recommends how the marketing mix can be adjusted to target growth for Platinum members keeping within the
allocation budget.
Resources required :
– Membership Growth Report
– TRI Fitness Email Template