Social Welfare and Social Work History

INSTRUCTIONS: Read and follow the policies described in the document Assignment Instructions for SW 230-I01 Introduction to Social Work: Policies Regarding Submission of Work for Course Assignments. Work submitted which does not comply with the policies described are not eligible for credit, and the grade earned for the Assignment will be “zero”. Assignment Instructions_SW230_I01_Sum2016.docxPreview the documentView in a new window

Utilizing the specific Reference, answer each of the following questions according to the policies described in the Instructions document named above.

Reference: Textbook Chapter Six – Overview of Social Welfare and Social Work History

1. (a) Name the European country has been the primary model for the development of current social welfare strategies in North America; (b) explain the main ideas of the 1601 Elizabethan Poor Laws including identification and explanation of the three main categories of relief recipients; (c) explain these terms which relate directly to the 1601 Elizabethan Poor Laws and later updated poor laws: indoor relief, outdoor relief, almshouses, poorhouses, and residency requirement. (page 180)

2, Describe these aspects of the social welfare system in America’s first colonies and into the middle 1800s: worthy poor, unworthy poor, apprenticeships for dependent children, and the 1820s-1830s view of poverty. (page 181-182)

3. (a) Identify the timeframe and explain the major emphasis of the three major mental health movements in America: moral treatment-page 182, mental hygiene-page 192, and deinstitutionalization (also called the community mental health movement)-page 198-199; (b) describe the work of Dorothea Dix during the moral treatment movement, including the timeframe of her advocacy efforts; (c) describe the main ideas of the 1963 Community Mental Health Centers Act, including the influence of legal advocacy efforts and three problems related to implementation of the legislation. (page 200)


Note: two specific movements in the late 1800s in America are the foundation of professional social work. Question 4 and Question 5 focus on each one. It is important to remember the main focus of each development, as well as the key individuals, dates, and locations related to the historical movements.


4. (Settlement houses became the foundation for the area of social work practice known as community organization or macro practice, and group work or mezzo practice.) (a) Describe the organizational structure and purposes of settlement houses, including programs offered and the three ways the settlement house approach formed a strong foundation for generalist social work practice;(b) Describe the work of Jane Addams and the establishment and function of Hull House (including year established and city); (c)describe the impact of Toynbee Hall (including location) on Hull House; (d) describe the role of Ellen Gates Starr with relation to Jane Addams and Hull House. (pages 186 – 189) [Optional but recommended: take a few minutes to scroll through the photographs of Hull House at the first website, and then visit the Hull House Museum website with the second link: (Links to an external site.)

and (Links to an external site.) ]

5. (Charity Organization Societies became the foundation for the area of social work practice known as traditional social casework or micro practice – work with individual clients – also called clinical social work.) (a) Describe the focus, organizational structure, and funding of Charity Organization Societies; (b) describe the work of Mary Richmond, including the titles and publication dates of her two books, and the impact of this work on the development of professional social work. (pages 189 – 191)

6. As the beginning of child protective services in America, (a) describe the events, including time and location, surrounding the circumstances of 9-year-old Mary Ellen Wilson, and the efforts of Etta Wheeler, and (b) describe the role of the organization Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in this situation. (page 187)

7. Summarize the major focus of each of these federal laws: (a) 1964 Economic Opportunity Act – page 199; (b) 1964 Civil Rights Act – page 201; (c) 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunities Act or PRWOA – page 205.

8. Regarding the passage of the 1935 Social Security Act: (a) describe why it was (and still is) considered to be significant federal social welfare legislation, and (b) describe the difference in social insurance and public assistance as established by the Act. (page 196 and highlight 6.8 on page 197)

9. Explain the main idea of the following six programs which were established with the passage of the federal legislation 1964 Economic Opportunity Act: Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA), Job Corps, Upward Bound, Neighborhood Youth Corps, Operation Head Start (also called Head Start), and Community Action Program (also called Community Action Agency). (page 200)

10. Summarize three major points made in the section entitled Social Work Today on page 211.


Optional Extra Credit – Textbook Chapter Six: Federal Legislation [up to 8 extra credit points to be added to the grade of Assignment 3; submit your work in your Assignment 3 document after Question 10]

Describe each of the following federal laws, based on information presented in chapter six:

1) 1965 Older Americans Act – page 201

2) 1974 Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act – page 204

3) 1975 Title XX of the Social Security Act (called Title 20) – page 204

4) 1978 Indian Child Welfare Act – page 204

5) 1980 Adoption Assistance and Child Welfare Act – page 204

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