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I decided to discuss Oracle Cloud Services and why the corporation’s cloud computing services are beneficial for companies looking to migrate applications, software and hardware devices to a cloud based environment. This technology provides exceptional security and overall performance. In June 2014 Oracle invested into Micros a hospitality tech company. Currently, I’m a help desk technician that supports Oracle/Micros software, hardware, applications and cloud services.Ray Carlin states “If you look at from both an IT and a business perspective, the cloud will offer the hospitality operator a lot more flexibility and speed of implementation,” he said. “Some people like to talk about the lower cost of the cloud, and that’s true especially from a whole customer relationship, [but] there’s another big advantage of how rapidly technology can be deployed (Fox, 2015). Since migrating software and applications to a cloud based environment properties have been able to cut cost on training. Oracle has designed a new POS (point-of-sale) terminal, which is similar to a tablet device. The end user is more accustom to the equipment and has made job duties flexible and proficient, as they are able to walk around the property and assist customer’s requests. Overall since migrating to cloud based services Oracle/Micros has globally had a better outcome when deploying the necessary updates and software packages to supported devices. Techs are now able to remote into devices from job site without end users having to download applications or programs to further troubleshoot issues. This also provides security, as only a technician from Oracle/Micros can deploy updates or packages to devices. The end user is no longer responsible for operating the terminal if it needs an update or configuration package.Reference:Fox, J. T. (2015, June 3). “Oracle helps hotels take to the cloud”. Hotel Management (21582122) 6/3/2015, Vol. 230 Issue 7, p11-66. 2p.Retrieved from http://eds.b.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.umuc.edu/eds/detail/detail?vid=5&sid=53b6645c-624f-4e70-9e53-cbe60b0b9d44%40sessionmgr104&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmUmc2NvcGU9c2l0ZQ%3d%3d#AN=102886036&db=f5hPurchase the answer to view it
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