

Just research Current and Future Applications of Genomic Technologies. The effects it has on humans, government, healthcare, and the economy. From past to current and future references. Also, explain the good that it serves as well.


Current and Future Applications of Genomic Technologies


Introduction. 1

Discussion. 1

Conclusion. 4

Works Cited. 5


Genomics is a branch of genetics that uses recombinant DNA, sequencing techniques, as well as bioinformatics to chain, pull together, and analyze the function and structure of genomes. Fundamentally, it is the medium for describing the development of genome-scale technologies and their employment in areas of biological investigation. Genomics has ever been dynamic and has been growing with time, and today it has a wide range of applications. The expertise, resources, and technologies emerging from the genomic science are being employed to practically all components of biological study, to the benefits of the people, animals, and the environment (The Dictionary of Gene Technology: Genomics, Transcriptomics, Proteomics 3784). This paper will analyze the present and future use of genomic technologies and their effects on various fields.



Genomic science has been in existence since the mid-twentieth century as the capability to obtain, interpret and explain the sequence of the genome of all the organisms. Following genomic knowledge, there has been the development of several other techniques for measuring and analyzing prototypes of the appearance of other molecules at a whole-genome or organism, for example, proteins and MRNA. The application of these techniques has also been increasing. Metabolomics is also viewed as genomic technology since it again utilizes the possibility of taking into consideration a whole organism as well as comparing the metabolic measurement to gene activity, function, and appearance (Malin 31). These capabilities emerge as a result of the development of advanced genomic technologies and methodologies.

Most of the genomic technologies and techniques employed presently in support of genomic sciences are significantly expensive and are available only to certain institutions and groups. It is projected that in the future, the issues of costs, availability, as well as access to genomic technologies will be addressed. Some technologies such as proteomics have a low output while others generate huge amounts of data that require extensive support. However, several technologies are being developed to address the issue of proteomics, which will result in cheaper and higher output technologies (Church). In the future, the present genomic technologies and their precedents will be accessible for practice.

Genomics and the development of genomic technologies both have numerous impacts on practically all aspects of human life. The accessibility of genomic information and the knowing of the role of genes in illness and health leads to more personalized management of the human disease. In the future, personalized genomic information will provide people with a greater knowledge of genetic predisposition to complex diseases such as asthma and diabetes. The improved health will result in prolonged lifespan for many individuals that will only be beneficial when good health can be sustained throughout life. Also, genomics provides knowhow of how to manage and use the health care system resources to capitalize on the nation’s health (Burgess 78). Other effects on humans include the management of health and disease in addition to and the development of new medicines particularly in third-world countries.

 Moreover, genomic technologies impact the economy in various ways, such as sustaining and improving food and its production by enabling significant changes in food plants, health, and other economic components such as fuel. In the future, it will contribute more immensely to the development of advanced methods for the treatment and vaccination of farm animals. With the current strain on fuel sources, plants provide options over fossil fuel as genomic technologies are set to provide a means for converting biomass into fuel. Plants also provide a direction for the development of biotherapeutic proteins and other important proteins which will propel the agriculture industry thus strengthening and benefiting the economy (Havey 1895). The transformation of genomic sciences to benefit several industrial sectors will also have a positive impact on the economy.


Additionally, it is recognized that the changing global economic environment requires a robust scientific foundation in order to ensure that economic and social development is sustainable. Genomic technologies provide a medium for improving the interaction between society, government, and science, which promotes progress. Nevertheless, there is a need to develop an improved regulatory system if these objectives are to be achieved.

Meanwhile, the growing appreciation of the gene function has also led to an important understanding of human medicine both in illness and disease as well as in crop plants and in terms of environmental effects. In the latter case, the focus is on how undesirable natural events such as climate change, and biodiversity erosion and their effects can be forestalled through ingenious manipulation of the gene function of various organisms. Similarly, many diseases possess specific genetic components and genomics provides a means for investigating the genetics of complex diseases in order to determine the best treatments (Guttmacher and Collins 1399). Similarly, genomic technologies have provided a deeper understanding of animal health and diseases and advanced knowledge on plant physiology (The Dictionary of Gene Technology: Genomics, Transcriptomics, Proteomics 3784). Finally, humankind is increasingly resorting to genomic technologies to understand his environment better. The two major environmental concerns whose human understanding genomics has enhanced are climate change and loss of biodiversity.


Genomics is a branch of genetics that uses recombinant DNA, sequencing techniques, and bioinformatics to generate information on the function and structure of genomes. It employs various genomic technologies that continue to undergo improvements. These technologies are already being employed to basically all components of biological study, to benefit the people, animals, as well as the environment at large. In the future, advancement in this field will enable humankind to deal with problems affecting his environment in a more effective manner.

Works Cited

Burgess, Darren J. “Human Disease: Next-Generation Sequencing Of The Next Generation”. Nature Review Genetics, 12.2 (2010): 78-79. Web.

Church, George M. “New Technologies for Integrating Genomic, Environmental and Trait Data”. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine (2011): Web.

Guttmacher, Alan and Collins, Francis. “Realizing the Promise of Genomics in Biomedical Research.” JAMA, 294.11 (2005):1399-1402. Print.

Havey, Michael J. “Application of Genomic Technologies to Crop Plants”. Crop Science 44.6 (2004): 1893-1899. Web.

Malin, Bradley. “An Evaluation of the Current State of Genomic Data Privacy Protection Technology and a Roadmap for the Future.” Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 4.2 (2005): 28-34. Print.

The Dictionary of Gene Technology: Genomics, Transcriptomics, Proteomics. Choice Reviews Online 42.07 (2005): 3784-3789. Web.

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