Culture Care Theory


Select one of the grand or middle-range nursing theories. (Culture Care Theory, by Madeleine Leininger). How does the theory demonstrate evidence of the utilization of social, behavioral, or bioscience theories. References within last 5years 2012-2017.


Culture Care Theory

The culture care theory emphasizes the need to incorporate cultural aspects of the patient when designing a care program for them. The theory emphasizes that there is a need for nurses to have transcultural knowledge for them to be able to provide holistic care to their patients (Russell, Brunero, & Lamont, 2014). Cultural backgrounds have the capacity to influence a person’s view on healthcare. Nurses have to be culturally competent for them to achieve quality care and health outcomes. Leininger stresses that there is a need for clinicians to be sensitive to cultural differences that exist between different patients in the current world that offers culturally diverse patients (Shen, 2015). Gaining an understanding of transcultural concepts will enable them to interact positively with their culturally diverse patients leading to better health outcomes.


            The culture care theory draws from bioscience theories, particularly the human becoming theory that was constructed by Rosemarie Rizzo Parse (Turkel, 2014). The theory proposes that indivisible beings as well as the environment co-create health. Therefore, the duty of a nurse is to assist the patients to interact with their environment hence result in better health outcomes (Turkel, 2014). Environment in this case encompasses a wide array of aspects that include social and cultural factors. Like the human becoming theory, culture care theory emphasizes the importance of incorporating cultural aspects in provision of care to achieve quality health outcomes. Offering nursing care without addressing environmental factors such as culture results in the patients’ rejection of the method of care. Leininger insists that it is important for nurses to be culturally competent. His theory’s concepts are drawn from the Human Becoming Theory that posits that the role of nurses is to guide patients in their interaction with environment to co-create health.


Russell, R., Brunero, S., & Lamont, S. (2014). Reflecting on Transcultural Care: Culture Care Theory and Mental Health Nursing. Austin Journal of Nursing &Health Care1(2), 4.

Shen, Z. (2015). Cultural competence models and cultural competence assessment instruments in nursing: A literature review. Journal of Transcultural Nursing26(3), 308-321.

Turkel, M. C. (2014). Leading From the Heart: Caring, Love,Peace, and Values Guiding Leadership. Nursing Science Quarterly,27(2) 172–177.

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