In 3 double-spaced pages, answer the below question/s. You will need to read Doug McAdam’s chapter on framing and the SCLC and George Wallace’s “The Civil Rights Movement: Fraud, Sham, and Hoax” (both available on blackboard).

In “Strategic Dramaturgy in the American Civil Rights Movement,” Doug McAdam discusses the importance of “framing” in the successes and failures of southern civil rights campaigns. What does the author mean by “framing,” and why does he feel the media was so critical to the SCLC’s fate? How did SCLC frame their actions? Conversely, how did George C. Wallace “frame” the civil rights movement, and in particular, the federal government’s role in its progression?

Please do not use quotes of more than a few words! Answers should be complex and analytical.

When reading McAdam, please do not be thwarted by the jargon of the first page-and-a-half (or so)—also, do not quote without analyzing. When analyzing Wallace, remember: his speech did not happen in a vacuum. You must read it with an eye toward the larger historical environment in which it was delivered. Why would it have appealed to people outside the South (in many ways, he was not trying to convince southerners, and he didn’t have to—most already supported him)? If you can figure this out, then you understand McAdam’s concept of framing and you understand the more complex points to his argument.

When defining “framing,” do so in your own words.

Please cite using the following simple method: (author’s last name, page #): e.g., (Charboneau, 2).

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