American War

Part 1:


Reviewing the information related to the Mexican-American War, evaluate the events leading up to the war and why it happened. Consider the following questions as you respond:


  • What decisions or actions played a key role in starting the war?
  • What were the results of the war?


Requirements:  At least 3 paragraphs. APA Requirements (scholarly articles).




Part 2:


Describe at least one idea you learned about U.S. history that you may not have known or now understand differently. Here are some topics we have reviewed over the weeks.


  • The Civil War and Reconstruction
  • The American Revolution
  • The Early American Republic
  • Jacksonian America, Antebellum Society, Abolition
  • The British Colonies in North America
  • The Mexican-American War


Consider the following questions as you respond:


  1. How will that concept impact the way you view current events?
  2. To what extent do you see that event being repeated?


Requirements:  At least 3 paragraphs. APA Requirements (scholarly articles

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