Article Review


Guidelines for Evaluation of Summarized Literature Review 
My theorist is Patricia Benner
1. Select one article that reflect a comprehensive literature review of the theory propounded by the theorist you have been assigned and summarize each. The articles should contain a secondary sources, one of which must be a research article.
2. A secondary source is an article written about the theory or its use by another
3. Summaries should be one page in length for the article. Begin summary with the correct APA citation of the article.
4. The summary should contain an introduction, a synopsis of the article, and a conclusion that contains your own evaluation of the article and its relevance.
5. Integrate all articles into a comprehensive reference list at the end of the literature review.

Selection reflects research into the historical perspective of the theory. 
Selection reflects breadth of research into the theory and its utilization and evaluation. 

Summary is articulate and includes the entire article. Summary clearly describes the author’s perspective. Editorial/personal response demonstrates critical thinking. 
Points will be deducted for incorrect APA citation and poor composition. 
Please don’t forget my reference has to be 1 article that is a secondary article



Introduction. 2

Synopsis of the article. 2

Conclusion. 3

References. 4

Gobet. F. & Chassy, P. (2008). Towards an alternative to Benner’s theory of expert intuition in nursing: A discussion paper. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 45(1), 129–139.


This paper sets out to analyze Gobet & Chassy’s (2008) article. This article addresses the role of intuition in the field of nursing. Gobet & Chassy (2008) analyze the theory of skill acquisition in nursing as proposed by Patricia Benner with a view to assess the influential role of intuition in nursing. They argue that the theory is too simple to explain the phenomena of intuition and for this reason propose the template theory of expert intuition.


Synopsis of the article

            Benner’s theory involved five stages with the fist being the novice stage and the final being the expertise stage. In Benner’s view, experts make intuitive decisions and can improve on them by emotionally involved with the patients. In addition to this, they can apply analytical thinking to situations where they have had no past experience. Gobet & Chassy (2008) support this theory because it is simple, the role of emotions is emphasized, and it refers to objective measures which focus on patient outcomes. They however argue against it because of the use of stages in accounting for development of intuition and expertise which is a complex phenomenon. Thus, Gobet & Chassy (2008) propose the template theory of expert intuition which explains how emotions relate to intuition and how this leads to experts making generally suitable decisions. According to this theory, experts encounter the same limits as the novices and they use similar problem-solving methods. The theory provides a way for explaining how intuitive decision-making is linked to analytical problem-solving.


My opinion is that both Benner’s theory and the model proposed by Gobet & Chassy (2008) make distinctive contributions to the field of nursing by showing that intuition is genuine and that perception plays a major role in decision-making by experts. At the same time, I think Gobet & Chassy (2008) have made a valid argument regarding the shared frames of references that both experts and novices use in decision-making and problem-solving. Thus, I feel that the suggestions of Gobet & Chassy (2008) in regards to the proposed model should be adopted as a way of enhancing the way intuition is conceptualized in nursing practice.


Gobet. F. & Chassy, P. (2008). Towards an alternative to Benner’s theory of expert intuition in nursing: A discussion paper. International Journal of Nursing Studies

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