Business Studies Paper


Instructions for paper:Gardner’s Five Minds
(Read attached article first) Gardner’s Five Minds Scoring Guide.
In order to develop a global leadership plan and be a true leader in the global arena, you must know how your own strengths and weaknesses with respect to the level of your leadership competencies. This assignment will help you evaluate your level of competence related to Gardner’s five minds. It will be helpful when you create your global leadership development plan in Unit 6.

Be sure to read and reference the Gardner article for this assignment(attached). Conduct additional research on Gardner’s five minds concept and its implications for the future. Search the Capella library and the Internet for scholarly articles on the application of this concept. You will need at least three additional resources to support your work in this assignment.

In 3–5 pages (excluding a title page and references page), address the following:

Explain the meaning of each of Gardner’s five minds.
Analyze your level of competency in each of the five minds.
Describe your experience in each of the five minds.
Determine your strengths and weaknesses in each of the five minds.
Explain how you can develop and improve your five minds.
Explain why Gardner’s five minds are essential qualities for a global leader.
Organize your assignment logically, using headings and subheadings appropriately. Include a title page and reference page, and format your citations and references according to APA guidelines.

Additional Requirements
Structure: Include an introduction, a title page a conclusion and reference page.
Number of pages: 3–5, not including title page and references page.
Number of resources: At least 3 resources in addition to the Gardner article.
Formatting: APA format for citations and references.
Font: Times New Roman, 12 point, double-spaced.


Gardner’s Five Minds


Introduction. 2

Meaning of Each of Gardner’s Five Minds. 2

Analysis of My Competence Levels. 3

Personal Experience. 3

Personal Strengths and Weaknesses Based on the Five Minds. 4

How to Develop and Improve My Five Minds. 4

Importance of Gardner’s Five Minds for Global Leadership. 4

References. 6


            Developing a global leadership plan and becoming a true leader entails being cognizant of one’s strengths and weaknesses with regard to the level of one’s leadership competencies. In this paper, the researcher will explain the meaning of Gardner’s five minds, analyze his level of competence based on the five minds, describe the writer’s experience as well as determine the strengths and weaknesses.


Meaning of Each of Gardner’s Five Minds

            In his book titled, 5 Minds for the Future, Gardner (2009) outlines five key cognitive abilities that will be required and cultured by leaders in the coming years. These include the disciplinary mind, the creating mind, the synthesizing mind, the ethical mind and the respectful mind. The disciplinary mind revolves around mastering major schools of thought such as science, music, history as well as at least one professional craft. The creating mind revolves around one’s ability to discover and explain new problems or phenomena. This entails approaching or responding to problems in unique ways. The synthesizing mind revolves around one’s capability to assimilate ideas from different spheres or disciplines into a logical whole and express that integration to other individuals.

            The ethical mind delves into the fulfillment of an individual’s responsibilities as a citizen or worker. Gardner posits that individuals need to act ethically by thinking beyond their own selfish interest and by doing what is right under all circumstances as much as possible.The respectful mind revolves around one’s awareness and appreciation for diversities amongst human beings or groups. As such, an individual needs to be tolerant of human diversities from all angles, that is, cultural, sexual orientation, race or gender.

Analysis of My Competence Levels

            An analysis of my level of competence based on the five minds gives several indications. Firstly, in regards to the disciplinary mind, I am still in the process of mastering the business management discipline. In terms of the respective mind, I would rank myself highly owing to my ability to tolerate and seamless interact with people drawn from all walks of life.My level of synthesizing mind is also high based on my capacity not only to fathom and interpret idea but to express myself clearly to others. In terms of creative mind, I would rate myself at below average meaning that though I have the ability to respond to problems in unique ways, I still need to harness these skills. My ethical skills are also on a higher level because I tend to recognize and strive to fulfill my obligations to my profession and nation first.

Personal Experience

            My experience with the five minds shows that I have come to appreciate them. I currently work and live in a multiethnic environment in which I have become increasingly cognizant of different diversities.Scheffler (2007) posits that immigration brings about lots of cultural traditions that may differ from individual cultures. This calls for creative and timely response to issues at the workplace while being tolerant of people’s cultures and beliefs. I have often found myself putting the needs of organization and nation at large first.

Personal Strengths and Weaknesses Based on the Five Minds

            Amongst the notable strengths I have based on the five minds include my ability to synthesize information, capacity to tolerate and interact with people from diverse backgrounds and with different points of view as well as recognize my responsibilities to my workplace and nation at large. My weaknesses revolve around my delay in harnessing my skills and knowledge in the business management discipline.


How to Develop and Improve My Five Minds

            To develop and improve my five minds, I need to enhance my knowledge in business management. As Gardner (2008) posits, improving one’s five minds entails natural progression from mastering a certain discipline to being able to synthesize and create a new idea. As part of my development plan, I will continue to engage and interact with people from different walks of life and read widely about the different cultures. This will allow be to better understand other people’s cultures and behaviors as well as demystify some misconceptions that I may harbor about them. In addition, I will also seek to read widely about relevant disciplines to ensure that I fathom various ideas and interpretation of renowned scholars. This will go a long way in developing my disciplinary and synthesizing mind.

Importance of Gardner’s Five Minds for Global Leadership

            Gardner’s five minds are essential qualities for any global leader in the modern world. In a world that is increasingly becoming a global village due to advances in telecommunication and transport technologies coupled with immigration (Scheffler, 2007), people are increasingly finding themselves working in multicultural environments.Gardner highlights the kinds of minds individuals will require if they are to flourish in the world in the coming years. Individuals need to respond to issues creatively to ensure that they gain a competitive advantage over others.

            The five minds open up global leaders to respond to emerging issues that affect humanity. By acquiring the five minds, global leaders are better placed to manage employees from diverse cultural backgrounds, foster creativity amongst their workforce and encourage them to engage in ethical behaviors. In conclusion, while Gardner’s ideas play a crucial role in shaping future global leaders, some scholars such as Pava (2008) and Stork et al., (2010) critique him arguing that the five minds are based on a set of limiting assumptions revolving around good work, globalization and power.


Gardner, H. (2008). The Five Minds for the Future. Schools: Studies in Education, 5(1), 17-          23.

Pava, M. (2008). Loving the distance between them: Thinking beyond Howard Gardner’s “Five   Minds for the Future”. Journal of Business Ethics, 83(2), 285-296.

Scheffler, S. (2007). Immigration and the significance of culture. Philosophy and Public Affairs, 35(2), 93-125.

Stork, D., Woodilla, J., Brown, S., Ogilvie, J., Rutter, R. &Trefry, M. (2010). Starting with           Howards Gardner’s five minds, adding Elliott Jaques’s responsibility time span:        implications for undergraduate management education. Organization Management Journal,7(1), 28-38.

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