
Cultural Diversity in the Professions

Ethnocentrism is generally defined as viewing one’s own culture as superior to all others. However, quite often, it is not quite that obvious. Whenever we encounter something that seems strange or different, we will feel some degree of discomfort. How we respond to that feeling is a gauge of how ethnocentric we are about it. […]

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One paragraph each and include references, in-text citations, and apa format What is ethnocentrism? How can it be both positive and negative? Please share a story from your life in which you’ve either experienced or witnessed ethnocentrism.

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Homo erectus has been argued to be the first hominid to successfully migrate out of Africa. Characterize the biology and culture of Homo erectus that led to its success relative to earlier hominids. Discuss the fossil and archaeological evidence for the varying importance of scavenging and hunting among Homo habilis and Homo erectus. Remember: One post, two replies.

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Analyzing culture

Analyze a popular film from the 1960’s that is considered an iconic pop culture movie. Why is this film iconic? How are the cultural values present in the film similar and different from those of today in the US? This paper should be 1-2 pages, in APA style, utilizing the college’s library resources. One scholarly […]

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The 1960s Reshaping the American Dream

It is the year 2325. You are a prominent archaeologist who has just been summoned to a dig site because your colleagues have made a unique discovery: a time capsule from the 1960s that was buried long ago. Very carefully, you and your colleagues unearth and open this time capsule. Inside the time capsule you […]

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