
Police Response to Domestic Violence

Write a 700- to word paper in which you discuss the police response to domestic violence and related intimate partner victimization. Address the following: Police response practices to domestic violence incidents and calls for service Mandatory criminal charging in domestic violence cases Crime data and trends in domestic violence Future approaches to police response in […]

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Justifying Beliefs

Many philosophers insist that our most strongly held beliefs should be examined and critically evaluated. What is required for a person to justify his or her beliefs? Do many people believe what they do without giving those beliefs critical scrutiny? What are the advantages of believing something without examining it? What are the disadvantages?

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Animal Rights

Do human beings have any obligations to other animals, in terms of their treatment? If it is wrong to treat animals cruelly, why is it not wrong to eat them? Explain if, and how, you think humans can find a balance between treating animals ethically while also raising them for food and for other reasons, […]

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The Limits of Skepticism

Can a person be skeptical about everything, or are there limits? Is it possible to doubt everything, or almost everything? Are there beliefs you possess that cannot be challenged or shown to be false? How might the skeptic respond to your claim that such a belief cannot be doubted? Identify one such specific belief and present […]

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Creationism and Science

After watching the video, explain what the basic issue is about teaching creationism (or Intelligent Design) in public school science classes. Indicate how you would resolve this dispute. Be sure to support your answer. Respond and reply to your fellow students.

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What Is Philosophy

Most people have views that are strongly influenced and informed by philosophy, often without realizing it. Identify a view you have—whether on politics, religion, science, culture, or even the media and entertainment—that might be regarded as being related to philosophy. What kind of reasons do you have for holding that belief? What figure from the […]

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Proof of God’s Existence

After reading about the various proofs of the existence of God, identify which of these arguments seems to be the best, and explain why you think so. Complete your response by reflecting on why philosophers have sought for thousands of years to provide such proofs, and whether it is necessary to do so.

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The Value of Philosophy

After reflecting on what you have read about and thought about in our course, select one topic that you thought was interesting, challenging, difficult, aggravating, new, or provocative. Discuss why you chose this particular topic, what you have learned about it and how it made you think a bit differently both about the issues this […]

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Arguments and Their Components

Consider an argument you have recently had with a friend, family member, manager, co-worker, or someone else. Identify the topic of the argument and present that argument in premise-conclusion form, identifying both the premises and conclusion.

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Deductive Language

Construct a deductive argument that is valid but not sound. Then, construct a valid deductive argument that is sound. Be sure to put the argument in premise-conclusion form.

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