Critical Analysis Paper

please read and follow the instructions CAREFULLY 🙂 –

Critical Analysis Paper – 5 page Double-spaced

Note: The point of this paper is to use material outside of the class, so DO NOT use a song or film we’ve already shown in class. Here is a list of all the films and songs we’ve viewed so far in class:

Critical Analysis Handout 11-2015.doc (see attachment please)

The critical analysis paper consists of an analysis of either four song lyrics OR two films (or if you want to use both music and film, it would be two songs and one film). The paper should cover three things, making sure to BOLD main points:

– a thesis section [a couple of paragraphs at most]—introducing me to the songs or films you have chosen for your paper as well as the theory(ies) you will use to analyze them–make sure to BOLD song and film choices as well as your choice of theory(ies). This section can be as dramatic as you’d like or include personal insight;

– an analysis section [three to four pages]—an analysis entails a one-to-one correspondence between the theory(ies) and the films or song lyrics, starting with a brief definition of the theory in your own words, followed by your choice of a corresponding aspect, character, or scene from the films or lyrics (or films+lyrics) that serves as a clear illustration of the theory (you may find more than one). Make sure to BOLD your definitions and illustrations. You may use quotes/lyrics to enhance your point but make them very brief, indented, and single-spaced. We will focus on Patricia Hill Collins’ Theory of the Matrix of Domination, but there are other theories which will be covered including Critical Race Theory. DO NOT use more than two theories in your analysis since multiple theories tend to weaken the strength of your arguments. Keep in mind that in enhancing your theoretical argument, especially since we are analyzing media forms, you should use your media literacy skills which will be covered in the first days of the semester. Examples include looking at the films and song lyrics through the lens of political economy, textual analysis, and audience reception. These should be helpful and work well with whatever theory you choose. The analysis will basically look like the description below;

– a critique or evaluation section [a few paragraphs]–this section can be as dramatic as you choose to make it and must entail an opinion of the task.
Brief description of analysis section: This sequence should happen at least two to three times in the space of 3-4 pages.

Definition (of a theory in your own words) in BOLD

Proof (illustration from the films/song lyrics as good examples of the theory) in BOLD—this can be elaborate and descriptive
The optional tie back (you might want to add a brief sentence at the end of the proof, noting why the illustrations are good examples of the theory and coming full circle in your analysis but this is not required)
One more thing… PROOFREAD!! Use reasonable font and margins.

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