ethical behaviors

The object of the paper will be to generally discuss the concepts of ethics and ethical behavior within the framework of the may 29, 1995 issue of the New Yorker magazine article about the citicorp tower project, and the ramifications of the actions taken by the story’s chief protagonist, William J, LeMessurier. BUT INSTEAD OF DISCUSSING THAT STORY ANY FURTHER, another example must be found that either (a) exemplifies similar behavior, OR (b) describes opposite behavior. (for example where the main character did not do the right thing.)

Examples must describe actual occurrences or events that can be documented by references. Discuss the incident you selected but focus more on the ethical behaviors taken place. Using these types of views (Utilitarian view, Justice View, Moral-rights view, Individualism View). The incident could be something viewed on TV, the internet, or something personally experienced.

Paper must be Three (3) pages minimum. Also add a cover sheet.

Double spaced, Ariel Font, size 12 font.

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