HRM Paper


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Job Specialization and Innovation

Specialization can be defined as individual or organization involvement in a limited range of products. Job specialization involves breaking down of responsibilities to its lowest level and designing around each part. In job specialization, individuals are only involved one task.   The concept is associated with increased production and innovation in organizations since individuals are likely to look for machinery and tools that will increase their output while reducing input (effort). Furthermore, it leads to focusing on a particular task; hence people do not waste time jumping into other tasks. The narrowing down creates a safe space for innovation since people will continually look for methods to break the autonomy and boredom revolving around their jobs. Nevertheless, it limits the personnel’s knowledge and skills, therefore limiting their innovation capability. Lack of specialization can lead to the development of teams that will be more effective than others.

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Monotony and boredom are threats to creativity and working motivation. Therefore, after a particular period, workers will feel unmotivated to engage in activities that they previously enjoyed. In the process, the work turnover might increase and hiking the unemployment rate since the workers do not have diverse innovative and employable skills required in the new fields that they are exploring. However, education that impacts knowledge to such workers is the solution.

An entrepreneur can be defined as a risk-taker because, according to the economic theory, he is placed into the market du the uncertainties reasons. There is a direct connection between entrepreneurial function and situation of doubt. The process of avoiding or reducing the uncertainties is when the entrepreneur becomes an innovator. Innovation in this situation acts as an endowment point for entrepreneurs to have a temporary monopoly through the contribution he makes to transform the market. However, the perspective is from an ideal world, but in the real permanent world, especially the industrialization period, entrepreneurs are perceived as risk-takers who apply innovation to survive.

It is crucial to consider the two significant periods to understand creativity and job specialization, the industrial revolution, where they gradually moved from feudalism to espouse capitalism. During this period, he built the economy on logic on the ruins of the field systems. He found the link between the industrial revolution and maturity. Innovation at this level was focused on reducing the uncertainties in the market. American tech giants are seen to apply this period entrepreneurial definition. The company’s do not have competition; therefore, their focus is on how to reduce risks by engaging in activities such as lobbying. The second part is the market by the division of labor, and market growth between the enterprises, the separation between the management of capital and property. The entrepreneur in this period was devoted to reduce uncertainties and establish dominance in the market. At the same time, Tesla is a fast-growing car manufacturing company whose focus is to dominate the automotive industry using the current trends. Their ability to reduce uncertainties using innovation instead of anti-competitive strategies makes them fit in the second phase. Their strategy is promoting capital-venture, therefore making them become great entrepreneurs.

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