issues of our time

Review carefully and in sequence the following 40 PowerPoint slides: 1, 3, 11, 12, 112, 288, 208, 205-207, 216-221, 229, 242, 247-248, 250, 257, 253, 254, 262, 266, 283, 151, 153, 157, 161, 305, 56, 346, 353-354, 356-359.

Based EXCLUSIVELY on your thoughtful learning from the above specific 40 slides, write a 250-350 word essay in which (1) you draw upon the various definitions in slide 208 to CREATE your OWN original, concise, and inclusive definition of the Israel lobby, and (2) you PINPOINT and EXPLAIN which one of the three—the US government, the Israeli government, or the Israel lobby—is ‘calling the shots’ (telling the others what to do) in terms of US Middle East policy. Homework 4 is worth 10 points (10 percent of your final grade). Sources for homework assignments must be cited briefly and ONLY between parentheses in the text (for example: Duverger, slide 288) so I can verify them quickly while grading and writing feedback.

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