Letter Appeal 4 Pages NEEDED In 10 HOURS

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Racial, and Ethnic Disparities in Health CareFor this paper please write in a letter format (like you are sending this to an administrator or governer to make a change about the problem) about racial and ethnic health disparities for women specifically in the United States. Please use the research i provide you with. And add more if necessary. When writing this letter please keep in mind this is an APPEAL to change a law-makers mind about these civil inequalities. Talk about how this issue is in direct violation to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), and The U.S. Constitution.Requisite Features of an Appeal You are writing a scholarly appeal to a public figure. An appeal is a genre that requires you to blend intellect and advocacy. You are calling or driving attention to a civil and/or human rights issue of our time. You are making entreaty (syn: plea, solicitation, petition) or requesting this person to re-think an issue along the conceptual lines you have drawn. You are using facts towards the end of affecting positive change in our world, adopting a stance through which you can synthesize an array of facts and posit a kind of remedy. The preliminary draft can be as long as four double-spaced pages. (Your final-for-now appeal must not exceed four double-spaced pages.) Clarity is vital. The same goes for economy or the careful and selective use of words. Along with making ourselves clear, we want to say (and mean) a lot in as few words as possible. The maximum number of citations in the preliminary draft is six. (The same number holds for the final appeal.) The citations section can be single-spaced and must conform to APA style. Use your primary and secondary sources prudently.”Dear XYZ, I am writing to you about the civil/human rights issue of…. The reason I think it is a civil or human rights issue is because…” This is the rationale for your appeal—i.e., the set of reasons that explains why the issue you have chosen is, in fact, an actual civil or human rights problem. Here is where you would begin to make use of the Constitution and/or the UDHR (or another human rights instrument) as the documents that specify and guarantee the rights you invoke.”I hold this issue to be vital because…” This is the motivation for your appeal—i.e., what prompted you to write about this issue. First- person narrative of this kind is powerful and you do not need much for it to add color and heart to the appeal. Use this tool wisely.A Writer’s Toolbox Through our appeal, we are seeking some kind of remedy and relief for specific harms. Given this intention, we are related in purpose to David Walker, W.E.B. Du Bois, Charles Sumner and a host of others. We diverge, however, in our particular mode of address. Yet, we can still glean what is most powerful from the readings, take what is useful and learn from it. The most powerful tools at your disposal are your moral conscience and your sense of what it takes to get a person to listen and think. Regarding the former, it is your built-in compass. When in doubt, examine what it is you truly think and feel about the issue you are writing about and let it guide the moral content of your writing. With respect to the latter, imagine yourself as the “constant reader” of your own writing and ask yourself:Purchase the answer to view itPurchase the answer to view it
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