Master of Education in Educational Counseling program

(8000 character limit)
Please provide a brief statement outlining your reasons for applying to the Master of Education in Educational Counseling program, your preparation for this field of study and why USC Rossier School of Education’s program is a good fit for you, and your short-term and long-term career goals.

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Short Answer (2000 character limit) In considering your personal, educational, and employment background, in what ways do you hope or expect to contribute to the academic and professional community at USC Rossier School of Education?

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The mission of the USC Rossier School of Education is to improve urban education locally, nationally, and globally. Reflecting on this mission, what assumptions, thoughts, and conclusions have you drawn about working in the urban context and what evidence from your own experiences, interests and abilities supports these thoughts and conclusions? In writing about urban education, many applicants consider issues of diversity, economics, equity and reform. Please also describe what role(s) you have played and/or will play as a leader and/or change agent. (2000 character limit)

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(2000 character limit) Is there anything else you think we should know as we evaluate your application?

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