Minister of Foreign Affairs

You are a policy advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the midst of negotiations of the Middle East Nuclear Weapons Free Zone. One of the measures, proposed by your GNext page›overnment, is the Middle East Regional Nuclear Inspectorate (MERNI). The purpose of the Inspectorate is to verify the peaceful use of nuclear energy in the Member States. You were tasked to come up with a concept of the inspectorate and the main list of verification activities to be carried by the inspectorate. Write a short policy paper (up to 4 pages) describing your vision of the Regional Inspectorate. In your paper describe the following:
1. How will the inspectorate be formed (for example: equal representation, proportional to the country size, proportional to the scale of the nuclear program, etc.)? Why?
2. What reporting requirements will the Member States have?
3. What safeguards measures should be implemented by the Inspectorate (for example:
Nuclear Material Accountancy, Environmental Sampling, Open Source Information
Analysis, etc.)?
4. How would you form inspection teams?
5. In your opinion:
a. Is there a need for such inspectorate?
b. What benefits to the region would this organization bring?

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