

            One of the methods used during the visit to Mission San Jose high school to collect data included the observation method. The students were observed in class during their fourth period. The major aspects of the observation included observing the behavior of students who did not take part in the presentations in class, in-class activities that included presentations, teacher-student interaction, and the feedback that the teacher gave to students with an aim of motivating them. The observation period yielded interesting results that informed the process of teaching English as a second language.


            We noted that students that were not presenting in class remained attentive during the in-class activities. Majority of them had their note books that they used to record important points during the presentations. The students remained active during the presentations and participated through asking questions on areas that they needed clarification, clapping at the end of presentations, and responding to questions that were asked by the presenters. The students who were involved in the presentation sessions had confidence in their abilities and took any comments from the teachers and other students positively. They brought in all the students to participate in the presentations by asking questions at every stage of the process. They sought for clarification from the teacher in areas that were confusing. We noted that having students participating in in-class activities with the teacher offering guidance increased the level of communicative exchange among the learners. In the teacher-student interaction, we noted that the teacher ensured that the learners remained active throughout the lesson by providing guidelines for activities and allowing the students to execute the activities freely on their own. It encouraged most students to contribute to the sessions thus making the learning process lively and educative. The teacher motivated the students by offering positive complements when they completed tasks successfully. The students that encountered difficulties were given further guidelines and motivated to complete the tasks.

            In overall, the observation method helped the team to gather various aspects of learning English as a second language that can be used to further improve the learning process. The key observation was that providing the students with a natural communicative context gave them the freedom to freely interact using the English language thus enhancing the process of learning the language.

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