Professional Assisgnment

Overview:In this assignment, you will be using the following scenario for your reflection journal entry.Scenario: This week you have been given the opportunity to partner with your mentor teacher to plan a final Lunch and Learn professional development (PD) session on professionalism as early childhood educators. To prepare for a collaborative planning meeting with your mentor, you research three early childhood education professional organizations/associations for advocacy opportunities. You are a professional and will only share credible, research-based organizations/associations (website links must end in .org, .edu, or .gov) with your ECE colleagues during the PD session.Instructions:First, read the above scenario and select three professional organizations or associations to research.Next, research and provide the following for each of the selected professional organizations and associations (3 total) in your reflection journal entry:The complete name of the professional organization or association and its website URL (website URL must end in .org, .edu, or .gov).A summary of the advocacy mission and goals of the professional organization and association.Do not copy and paste; instead, paraphrase, as it must be in your own words.Lastly, reflect on your research and provide your thoughts and own words on the following in your reflection journal entry:Share at least one experience you have had or plan to have as an informed advocate for young children, families, and/or early childhood education professionals.Describe the advocacy activity, action, or event and the specific advocacy role you took on or plan to take on. Be as specific as possible.

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