Psychology: Critical Journal 1


Critical Journal 1. 
This is a Question-Answer paper. please NUMBER the answers but do NOT write down/copy the questions

Answer all 5 question

1.On a scale of 1-10, rate your comfort level in discussing sexuality
in a classroom setting. 
Which circles of sexuality are you most/least comfortable with. Identify
something you think might increase your comfort level.

2.What factor (religious beliefs, parental upbringing, personal experiences, etc) do you believe has contributed most to your beliefs and practices related
to sexuality?

3.Why do you think ‘sex sells’ when our culture traditionally has had a
problem openly talking about sexuality?

4.What are your thoughts on making sexuality scientific? Does the field need more science? Why or Why not? What areas in sexuality do you think should be researched most/least?

5. If you could do a study on sexuality, what area would you choose? Try tobe specific, what exactly would you be interested in finding out? What value do you believe would the findings possibly have to the field of human sexuality?

Students will be required to respond to a variety of critical
thinking questions. The journal articles will be submitted anonymously undera pseudonym. At final exam time, you will be required to reveal yourpseudonym in order to connect your grade for the assignments. Each assignment is due at the start of class when a hardcopy must be submitted to the instructor. All written assignments will be completed by the student as an original work, not a “cut and paste” internet assignment. The nature of the questions are targeting your personal opinions, attitudes, experiences and behaviors and as such does not require a research element. Yet, be sure to 
reference appropriately using the APA method for all material that are not originally your own! 

Each journal entry isworth 25 points, there are 4 due throughout the semester. Each should be roughly 550 -800 words long (i.e. roughly 2 double-spaced pages of main body) in order to ensure each question is thoroughly answered.


Critical Journal 1

Question 1

My comfort level during sexuality discussions classroom setting on a scale of 1-10 would be at 6 in a. Sexuality has evolved as a topic of education and human socialization. For this reason, sexuality discussions bear importance and true value to students and to me. My participation in these discussions thus holds developmental importance and builds a greater understanding of the actual importance of sexuality in human and social structures. Ideally, I respect this as a topic that must be given strong and serious importance. The circles of sexuality are interesting and well suited classifications that break down and compartmentalize sexuality while creating a balanced interrelation.


I particularly find sexualization and sensuality complex and interesting. These are demonstrative of the basic nature of humanity and reveal deeper patterns of human behaviors.  The awareness and feeling about one’s own body and the process of behaving sexually to manipulate or control people demonstrates the innate ability of either productivity or destruction by sexuality. Sexual identity is equally very interesting and definitive. Reproduction and sexual health are the least exciting as they sound almost repetitive and monotonous. However, I hold an un-doubtable and respected importance in understanding sexual health. To increase these comfort levels, the discussions can be made even more relevant or relatable to the sexual environment of my generation. New aspects of sexuality and factors surrounding sexuality need to be adapted the common situations of the current youth, this will enhance accurate practicality.

Question 2

My beliefs and practices on sexuality have mainly been shaped through personal research, consumption of media and personal experiences. My upbringing has not placed a strong religious emphasis and much of the sexuality orientation by my parents has been neutral. My beliefs are therefore a product of formal education and content on the internet where most people now access information. Personal experiences have particularly and continue to transform circles such as sexual identity and sensuality. These circles are closely linked to other areas of life such as communication and confidence.

Question 3

Sex and advertising have continued to go together especially after the 1980s. Sex remains one of the most accurate forms of selling especially in industries of alcohol, entertainment and fashion. Sex continues to sell because of the growing awareness and acceptance of sexuality in society. Particularly, women who were predominantly taught to hide their femininity are now being encouraged to embrace and demonstrate ownership of their femininity. At the same time, there has been a shift in the understanding of finding beauty in different body shapes and sizes. Additionally, social media has given a suitable platform that supports sexuality and different sexual identities. In extension, sexuality and its demonstration have become extremely normalized. Equally, more people are now wired to notice or identify sexual agendas in advertising. The diversity and interaction of cultures has paved way for a new generation of like minded individuals who accept sexuality despite any cultural or religious restrictions.

Question 4

Sexual identity and sensuality needs to be researched more scientifically to understand the cognitive factors that have caused a significant diversity especially in the circle of sexual identity. There is a need to incorporate more scientific method into the study and research of sexuality in order to demystify the complexity often associated to these matters. However, it is crucial to find a perfect balance that will avoid scientific intrusion. Sexuality is ideally a social science that must be preserved along the fundamental lines of emotion and human behaviors.

Question 5

A specific area of interest in sexuality research is the interaction between identities and diversity. This would extend to the historical and cultural evolution especially of the role of women and sexual matters in different eras. In a society of extreme interaction between people of different religions, races, ethnicities and ideologies, the sexual environment has changed tremendously. Of particular focus is the evolution of sexuality in pre colonial to post colonial eras with a specific concentration of aboriginals and black sexuality. With new areas and sexual preferences emerging based on categories such as race and ethnicity, this study would demonstrate the modern realignments of human sexuality. This study would then be useful in predicting patterns of preferences based on future trends and social structures.

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