Social Psychology Final Exam A12

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Assignment 12 Begin Final Exam
The final exam is an Essay Exam that covers chapters 11 through 14 in the course text. All assignments MUST be typed, double-spaced, in APA style, and written at graduate level English. Be sure use the course text to support your responses, citing in APA format.
Your response to each question should be approx. ½ page per question
Your responses to the entire exam should be 5-7 pages total plus a title and reference page
Assignment Outcomes Compare and contrast major theorists and the concepts of social perception and social cognition Formulate the concepts of group function, social influence, interpersonal conflict, and pro-social behavior Discriminate and assess the determinants of aggression Integrate cultural, legal, and ethical issues of social psychology Analyze some of the major contemporary research trends in social psychologyPurchase the answer to view it
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